Growth dynamics of Eupopulus poplars by many years testing

Tsarev A.P., Tsareva R. P., Tsarev V. A.

Petrozavodsk State University (Petrozavodsk),
Research Institute of Forest Genetics and Breeding (Voronezh),
Voronezh State Forest- technical Academy (Voronezh)


There are information on growth of 5 groups of eupopulus poplars in forest-steppe. It is shown the dynamics of heights, diameters, volumes of trunks, accumulation of steam stocks wood, and also dynamics of average and current increments of a stock.

The age of economic exploitability and actual stock of wood to this age were established. It is shown that growth and the stock of wood on 1 ha of different poplar morphological systematic groups can differ in some times.

It is given perspective assortments for different soil-climatic zones (forest-steppe, steppe and semidesert) and various types of plantations (intensive plantations, ameliorative stands and decorative plantings).

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition